
trading futures spreads

Futures Spread Trading is the best kept secret in trading!
trading futures spreads
If you would like to support yourself by trading, and yet be able to spend much of your time enjoying the things you like to do, then you should definitely look into futures spread trading!

Take a look at the following Unleaded Gas Spread:


Example: Long December Unleaded Gas (HUZ)
and Short August Unleaded Gas (HUQ)

By trading this spread, you could easily have made 933% on your margin in less than 30 days.

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What makes Futures Spread Trading such a profitable and easy way to trade?

* There is no stop running when trading spreads. It is not possible to use stops in a spread trade. Because you are long in one market and short in another, you have become invisible to and immune to "stop fishing."

* Spreads can considerably lessen the risk in trading compared with straight futures trading. Every spread is a hedge. Trading the difference between two contracts in an intramarket spread results in much lower risk to the trader.

* Spreads on futures normally require lower margins than any other form of trading, even lower than the margin requirements for option trading. The result is much greater efficiency in the use of your capital. It is not unusual to be able to trade 10 spreads putting up the same amount of margin as required for 1 outright futures position.

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